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2nd TACTICAL AIR FORCE Vol.2: From Breakout To Bodenplatte  

Авиация / Авиация WW2 / Авиация WW2: СССР и союзники / 2nd TACTICAL AIR FORCE Vol.2: From Breakout To Bodenplatte

Thanks to ''West''

Написал: Oleksandr, 29 января 2010 17:42 |
  • Сообщений: 382
  • Новостей: 501
It has been more than 30 years since the original and highly acclaimed history of 2nd Tactical Air Force was first published, and it has been long out of print. Now at last, this book is a completely rewritten and greatly expanded account of this important command's vital contribution to the Invasion of Normandy and the defeat of the forces of the Third Reich in Western Europe. The 2nd TAF, equipped with rocket- and bomb-carrying Typhoons, Tempests, Spitfires, Mosquitos, Mustangs and medium bombers, flew ground-attack and tank-busting missions in support of Montgomery's 21st Army Group as it advanced through Normandy and northwest Europe in 1944-45. The medium bomber units struck at enemy transport, ammunition dumps, and communication targets. The 2nd TAF comprised British, Canadian, Polish, Czech, Norwegian, French, South African, Australian, and New Zealand crews. This second volume covers the breakout from Normandy, the advance across the Low Countries, and the German ripostes in the Ardennes and Operation 'Bodenplatte' in the winter that followed.
pdf, 86.23MB:


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