Flight Handbook Navy Model S2F-1 AircraftАвиация / Авиация после WW2 / Авиация после WW2: Страны НАТО / Flight Handbook Navy Model S2F-1 Aircraft
Flight Handbook Navy Model S2F-1 Aircraft
Издательство: Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation Год издания: 1956 Язык: английский Страниц: 134 Формат: PDF Размер: 42 Mb The S2F-1, -2 airplanes are twin engine, high-wing land planes built by the Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation and designed primarily for use in anti-submarine warfare. They are equipped to detect, identify, track and destroy submarines and can operate from land bases or take off from a carrier deck with or without the aid of a catapult and land with the aid of its arresting gear. A crew of four, consisting of pilot, co-pilot, radar-sonobuoy operator and MAD-countermeasure operator, operate the airplanes. Hydraulically operated equipment includes the landing gear, wing flaps, wing folding system, radome, rudder trimmer, torpedo bay doors, arresting hook lift system, g-limiter and wheel brakes. The cowl flaps, oil cooler doors, propeller deicing, windshield wipers, and MAD boom extension equipment are operated lectrically. Boot-type wing and empennage dc-icing equipment is provided, with the tube inflation timing rate controlled electrically. Included is equipment for heating and ventilating the crew compartments and for anti-fogging of the windshield. An automatic pilot is also provided.