The U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II: D-Day 1944, Air Power Over The Normandy Beaches And BeyondВоенная история / The U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II: D-Day 1944, Air Power Over The Normandy Beaches And Beyond
Название: The U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II: D-Day 1944, Air Power Over The Normandy Beaches And Beyond
Автор: Hallion, Richard Издательство: Air Force History and Museums Program Год: 1994 Страниц: 48 Формат: pdf Размер: 20,66 MB Язык: английский ...Overlord depended to a remarkable degree upon the use of air power in virtually all its forms. A half-century ago, aircraft were primitive vehicles of war compared to the modem attackers of the Gulf War era, with their precision weapons, advanced navigational, sensor systems, and communications. Yet, the airplane still had a profound impact upon the success of the invasion. Simply stated, without air power, Normandy would have been impossible.