Rok 1810 na Oceanie IndyjskimФлот / Rok 1810 na Oceanie Indyjskim
![]() Book's title: Rok 1810 na Oceanie Indyjskim. Zwyciestwo Francuzow w wielkiej bitwie fregat i zdobycie Ile de France przez Brytyjczykow Author: Krzysztof Gerlach Publisher: published by author Year: 2019 Pages: 204 Language Polish Format: JPG/ PDF Size: 172,24/ 173,85 MB 1810 in the Indian Ocean. Victory of the French in the great battle of frigates and the conquest of Ile de France (now Mauritius) by the British. NEW, COMPLETE upload with page 19: Turbobit (JPG) Turbobit (PDF) Uploaded (JPG) Uploaded (PDF) in previous upload missing page 19: Turbobit (page 19) Uploaded (page 19)